Caitlin, Judy, and Mom on the Santa Monica Pier

The Santa Monica Pier. We try whenever possible to steer clear of the "touristy" type places, so we decided to dine at a charming little "out-of-the-way" place called Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Caitlin, myself, and Judy outside the "venue" with one of the posters from Taylor Hicks' triumphant performance in Provo back in July. The poster turned out to be too big to take in, so Caitlin ran back to put it in the car, which was lucky because we then found out that cameras were allowed, so Judy called her and had her bring mine to me. Thanks, KK!

Caitlin, Judy, and Mom in their seats just before the show started.

MANDISA. A perfect way to start the show. She sang "I'm Every Woman." She did great and got everybody pumped up - her legs really are that big, btw. My camera added nothing, I assure you. She was definitely a crowd favorite, just like on the tv show.

Ace Young. Whatever. Doesn't look as though he's seen any "pretty butterflies" yet.

Lisa Tucker. She's cute and talented, but seemed kinda dull after the "Deesa."

Paris Bennett. She did great. I think here she is singing 'Midnight Train to Georgia.'

Bucky Covington. He did pretty well. This, as well as the ones of Paris and of Taylor below are kind of blurred - it's hard for me to stay steady when focusing on things far away - but I think the blurr made them look kinda cool.

Kellie Pickler. During the tv show I found her pretty annoying most times. Nothing against her voice, though. But during the live show, I don't know, she seemed a lot more cute and charming. Maybe it was just her hottie-tottie outfit.

Elliot Yamin was g-reat. The crowd loved him and he totally worked them. I agree with Judy about the shirt, though.

Here's one of the guys sans Taylor. ??? They harmonized well. I was particularly pleased with how this one turned out.

Ace and Chris Daughtry. Check out Daughtry belting as he rocks his acoustic. You know, I'm just now realizing I forgot to include one of Chris by himself. I'll get to it.

This photograph represents my biggest regret of the night. This was the very best shot I could manage of the lovely Katharine McPhee. No cool blurring action like with Paris, Bucky, and Taylor. I tried, Kat. Man, did I ever try. No, the blurring in her case produced a variety of undesired effects such as "Kat with receding hairline", "Kat with third eye", or "Kat with no neck." Judy can tell you that I am a card-carrying member of the Soul Patrol, but I also have case of McPheever - in an extremely advanced stage. I just wish she'd be herself and not go for the Aguilera acrobatics.

THE MAN. I love this one of Taylor doing a classic Taylor spazz-move with his classic Fender Strat.

Here Taylor is doing his thing accompanied by a surprisingly mild mannered-seeming keyboardist. Maybe he has a day job as an accountant. Judy commented how the staging of the show really didn't give Taylor his spot as "the winner." I agree, but I'd have to add that it was the audience, along with Hicks himelf, who gave that to him. As much as sections of the audience might have had their particular favorite, it became clear when Taylor hit the stage that he was The Guy. He just has a knack for energizing with his performance.

At breakfast the morning after the show. Caitlin and I found another nice out-of-the-way place with sidewalk seating. What was the name? The Best...West...ern... I....HOP?

After breakfast we drove up the coast to look around a bit. I'd heard that in Malibu there is no public access to the beach. Well, we found out that there really is no public access to the beach. So, we drove back down towards LA, stopping at one of the first public beaches so that I could get a shot or two. I was really happy with this surfer action shot.
For Zack, thanks for posting a photo of my morning face sans makeup! For the rest of you, aren't you thankful for makeup?
Judy, you are so funny! Your just as beautiful without the make up. Zack, its so nice to see you posting again, I have been looking for awhile awaiting a new post from you. You have such fun posts. So when ya gonna post that cute baby, we are hearing about....can't wait to see the pictures.
oops, scratch that comment on the pictures of the baby...I read this post before the other....silly me. Cute, adorable baby.
You guys seem to have a way more fun life than I do! Looks like a lot of fun!
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