Monday, May 15, 2006

Survivor/Lady Croom

Ok folks, it's monday. Aras won a million, and yet I feel strangely empty. Once while discussing 'Survivor' with my friend Sandy, I commented that it would be interesting for a change to set the show in a snowy setting like the Canadian Rockies or Alaska in winter, or Antarctica. To which he replied, "Trust me, kid, it'll never happen." When I asked him why, he answered, "'cause the producers would never get their (the contestants) clothes off!"

Here's a good idea, "Survivor: Maricopa August"

P.S. - Kim/Lady Croom, if you are out there and happen to stumble across this blog o' mine, why not drop me a line and let me know what's up, how you're doing, etc.?
It's been a while. And, since the world-wide-web is world-wide, then you won't have a problem answering these few questions - just so I know it's you.

1. What's the title of that movie we both really like?
2. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
3. Who were the only two people better than you and I at the two-step?
4. Where did I often go on saturdays after golfing?

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